Donna Lugar (formerly
Mediation & Arbitration Services
We mediate and arbitrate cases throughout the State of Florida via Zoom for cases pending in any County.

All cases are being scheduled remotely via Zoom at this time. You can easily and efficiently book an appointment online to mediate and/or arbitrate legal disputes.
Donna Lugar is a full-time Certified Mediator and Qualified Arbitrator who provides quality service at a reasonable price.
She has arbitrated and mediated nearly three thousand cases to conclusion and has been mediating and arbitrating cases for over 20 years and on a full-time basis since 2010.
What We Do

Mediation is a process whereby a neutral and impartial third person acts to encourage and facilitate the resolution of a dispute without prescribing what it should be. It is an informal and non-adversarial process intended to help disputing parties reach a mutually acceptable agreement.
All mediation and arbitration services are currently being offered via Zoom for cases pending in any county.

Arbitrations are popular in certain venues in both binding and non-binding formats.
We will carefully review pre-arbitration submissions, receive and listen to evidence and arguments presented at arbitration and will then render a fair and impartial written decision.
- 2-HOUR: Monday only
- 3-HOUR: Tue-Thu
Hybrid (Mediation + Arbitration)
- 2-HOUR: Mon only
- 3-HOUR: Tue-Thu
- 1-hour (unless otherwise approved)
- Friday only
In an effort to accommodate the number of cases requiring ADR, we are now offering additional scheduling options to better meet your needs and assist in resolving cases more efficiently.
– Mediation or Hybrid (Mediation + Arbitration)
– Mondays only
- 8am-10am
- 10am-12pm
- 12pm-2pm
*IMPORTANT NOTE: Before booking a 2-hour time slot, all parties must agree that the case can be completed in two hours. This must be a 2-party and 2-attorney case ONLY. Multi-party and multi-attorney cases with numerous complicated issues may not be scheduled in a 2-hour time slot.
Rates & Fees
> $275/hour per party for two party cases
> $225/hour per party for three party cases
> $200/hour per party for 4 party or more cases
The number of parties is typically determined by the number of attorneys but may also be determined by the number of claims in dispute.
Cancellation/Min Charges
Please note there is a non-waivable $1,000 cancellation fee for each cancelled time slot. There is a non-waivable $5,000 cancellation fee for all cancelled full-day reservations. Cancellation fees are waived entirely if reservations are cancelled more than one week prior to the reserved date.
There are no exceptions to the cancellation fee, and the rebooking of your reservation does not waive or eliminate the cancellation fee.
Minimum Charge: The minimum charge for each booking is the actual time reserved.